#WeMeld: Meld Farewells Our Managing Editor, Erica Lange

Meld Magazine

Wed Sep 22 2021

Image from iOS

Image credit: Erica Lange

As much time as the Meld team spend together every single week (even if mostly virtually amidst the current pandemic!), inevitably a time must come when we need to say goodbye to one of our team members as they move on to a next chapter.

This month, we bid adieu to our Managing Editor, Erica Lange. Erica joined Meld in late 2020 and has been a wonderful asset to Meld. With her unique way of putting others at ease with a calm and gentle demeanour, alongside being one of the most humble albeit talented people we have known (case in point: scroll down to check out the links to Erica’s fabulous comics!), she will be absolutely missed.

To commemorate her time at Meld – and pass on some pearls of wisdom! – we enlisted our copyeditor, Felice Lok, to interview Erica before her departure. Read the Q&A below…

Hey Erica! Firstly, can you tell us a bit about yourself?

I studied Creative Writing at RMIT University, where I discovered a love for poetry and rediscovered my passion for drawing. It was a no-brainer combining these two art forms to make a hybrid form of comics! I also love decision-based video games (e.g. Detroit: Become Human), film and TV, all things design (from interior to graphic), and earthy shades of green.

Can you tell us about what your role as the Managing Editor of Meld Magazine entails?

I always start off my day by checking Slack, Gmail, and Notion, which helps me set my priorities for the day. Overseeing recruitment, I also look over new applications and share them with the other managers. Another vital part of my day is also hopping onto video calls and catching up with the team to make sure we’re all in sync with the week’s priorities. From there, I’ll do any tasks or admin work needed for the rest of the day.

How would you describe your experience at Meld?

An enlightening experience, where I was able to grow my leadership skills with the support of a truly lovely team. The Meld Magazine team made my time here, and everyone sincerely wants the best for each other. It’s the most wholesome team I’ve ever been a part of.

How did you manage your time as the Managing Editor of Meld alongside your other commitments?

Setting boundaries as simple as logging off at 5pm and focusing solely on other commitments on non-Meld days. It’s easy to start feeling overwhelmed when I don’t let my mind off of work mode, so a warm shower and some mindless television can work wonders at the end of a workday!

What has been the most valuable thing you have learnt from Meld?

Management skills for sure, but also to be less harsh on yourself! I never thought that I was ‘leadership material’ until I was told by the wise Clara Tang, the Board President of Meld Community, that there is no such thing, and that leadership simply comes with experience. Things seemed much less daunting after learning this!

Can you share with us what your plans are after leaving Meld?

I’ll be on the hunt for a full-time job (eek)!

What advice would you give to those interested in writing and publishing?

Honour deadlines!

Thanks so much for chatting with us, Erica. Any final words you’d like to add?

Thank you to the incredibly talented and strong women steering the ship that made my time here!

Read Erica’s comics here:

  • ‘what’s ur love language’, Cordite Poetry Review (August 2021: Made during lockdown is a piece that explores love and intimacy through digital spaces and video games.)
  • ‘All I See Is Pixels’, Liminal Magazine (June 2020: Made during quarantine is a quiet and tender comic that explores the surreal drift between digital and physical realms.)

As Erica departs, the position of Managing Editor is vacant at Meld Magazine, alongside others. You can view our available positions here.

A special thank you to Erica Lange for her work with Meld Magazine.

Thank you to Felice Lok for assisting with the production of this article.
